Might not be true but it is possible
A guy named Ken Smith posted this on a newsgroup.
"The new technology that it is claimed lowers EMI by dithering the frequency of the CPU clock and the monitors refresh rate are not actually for that at all. Windows XP uses the CPU clock and the refresh rate to FSK out all of your personal data and a list of all non-Microsoft programs you have installed. "
However I don't think it would work for LCD monitors :).
It's well known that TV licensing companies can view exactly what's on your TV screen, I assume then they could do the same for your PC screen, so "in theory" Microsoft could code something into Windows to work like the Timex Data Link system that sent out a hidden signal listing anything.
Not saying they would / do, just saying that in theory it may be possible.
"The new technology that it is claimed lowers EMI by dithering the frequency of the CPU clock and the monitors refresh rate are not actually for that at all. Windows XP uses the CPU clock and the refresh rate to FSK out all of your personal data and a list of all non-Microsoft programs you have installed. "
However I don't think it would work for LCD monitors :).
It's well known that TV licensing companies can view exactly what's on your TV screen, I assume then they could do the same for your PC screen, so "in theory" Microsoft could code something into Windows to work like the Timex Data Link system that sent out a hidden signal listing anything.
Not saying they would / do, just saying that in theory it may be possible.
At 11:42 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Uhhhhh... I realize this is a really old post, but I just had to comment.
TV licensing companies seeing what's on your screen? That's completely nuts as well as completely impossible. TV is a one-way communications medium. There is NO possibility for data to be retrieved. Note that this is NOT true with more modern systems like digital cable & satellite.
In the past, homes had to choose to be a "nielsen" family (for nielsen ratings anyway) and would have a special box attached to their TV that would report data on viewing habits.
In no way can anyone see what you are watching, with a conventional television setup (analog cable or OTA [Over The Air]
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